The town of Feltre is situated in the South-West of the Val Belluna (Belluno Valley), at the foot of the Prealps. His geographical location, at the merge of the alpine mountains and nearby river Piave, has been determining for the importance of the city. Actually, in Roman times, Feltre became a Municipium of the Roman Empire. This happened thanks to his strategical location: the Via Claudia Augusta Altinate (an ancient Roman Road) passed through Feltre, allowing military and commercial circulation.
During the centuries Feltre fought against several invasions and raids: this is the reason why the old city rises up on the Capre hill (literally Goats Hill) and is surrounded by city walls which started to be built during the XII century.
The height of Feltre’s splendor was during the Venice Republic, to which the town of Feltre submitted in 1404. Thanks to the Republic, the city experienced a great development and for this reason it became a target for the Austrian Emperor Maximilian of Augsburg, who devastated the city in the 1510.
While visiting the old city we can admire the buildings belonging to the following restoration, walk on the ancient city walls, visit the castle and discover the Sena Theater.